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Approved Minutes 2/12/2014
Salem Bike Path Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Will Peck, Dan Cooper, Dan Shuman, Ernest DeMaio, Brad Sandler, Bruce Mabbott, and David Bowie. Also Present: Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator
Members Absent: Chairman Jeff Bellin and David Hallowes

Public in Attendance: None
In the absence of Chairman Bellin, Will Peck served as acting Chair and called the meeting to order at 6:57 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes
Acting Chair Peck asked if there were any comments or edits for the January 8, 2014 draft meeting minutes.  D. Bowie clarified that there were a few other members that did not support the proposed no smoking on the bike path ordinance, not just him.  F. Taormina asked who those other members were so that he could note that in the minutes.  D. Shuman and B. Sandler stated that they agreed with D. Bowie.  E. DeMaio also wanted to reiterate for the record that if the City has a consistent policy in place for public parks, recreational areas, trails, etc., and the bike path should be consistent with that policy and the Committee should not be questioning that. Acting Chair Peck agreed with E. DeMaio and asked F. Taormina to insert that language into the minutes.  

Acting Chair Peck asked for a motion to approve as amended. Motion was made by D. Shuman, seconded by D. Bowie, and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment

  • Old/New Business
Proposed Boston Street Cycle Track Trial Project
Acting Chair Peck turned the floor over to Frank Taormina.

F. Taormina mentioned to the Committee that at the last meeting they wanted to explore the idea of a cycle tracks (protected bike lanes) and add it to the future Bike Circulation Master Plan update and start implementation.  He noted that he spoke to the Planning Director Lynn Duncan and discussed allocating funds to update the master plan and she recommended that before the Committee pursue that the Committee test the idea of a cycle track in practice to see if it will work in Salem, get support for it, and evaluate it with engineers.  Following that discussion F. Taormina solicited FST Engineers (City’s On-Call Traffic Engineers) to provide him with a task order and scope of services to create a trial cycle track on Boston Street.  He then walked the Committee through FST’s proposed task order/scope of services for the trial cycle track which is proposed to be installed on Boston Street from the Peabody Line to Grove Street, from June 15th through Sept 15th, then removed and put back to its original configuration.

F. Taormina stated that funding has not been allocated yet to design, engineer, and construct the temporary trial cycle track but wanted to share the idea with the Committee to get their feedback.  He also noted that if this project were to move forward he would work with John Pelletier and review the task order with the City Engineer, Traffic Lieutenant at the Salem PD, and with Ward Councilor David Eppley.

B. Mabbott stated that he didn’t think that Boston Street was a good location to do the trial, he suggested that Loring Avenue from Vinnin Square into Salem might be better. He asked F. Taormina how and why Boston Street was selected.

F. Taormina stated that several people have recently posted on the Mayor’s Facebook page that they would like to see pedestrian access at Bridge and Boston Street and bike accommodations on Bridge Street due to the width of the road.  The Mayor forwarded the information to him and John Pelletier (Salem Mass-in-Motion Coordinator).  He also noted that Boston Street is on the TIP and slated to be reconstructed in the near future (within the next 5 years or so).  Because Boston Street has more than adequate width, several residents in the area that want to see bike accommodations on the street, and the street will be reconstructed in the future it seemed to be a perfect location for the trial.  If the trial is successful then a permanent cycle track could be installed then the street is reconstructed.  He also noted that Loring Avenue from Vinnin Square to say Harrison Road (near SSU South Campus) would be a great candidate for a cycle track; however it doesn’t have on-street parking.  Boston Street would be a better place to test a cycle track as is has parking on both sides of the street and if it is successful there it would be successful anywhere in Salem.

B. Mabbott stated that although he is in favor of cycletracks he is concerned that the usage will be low during the trial period which could adversely impact future projects.

F. Taormina stated that the trial isn’t meant to be used in that manner.  He stated that J. Pelletier (Salem Mass-in-Motion) has discussed the ideas with MassBike and they are willing to provide technical support and assist both the City and Mass-in-Motion in creating an event or two around the trail cycle track, which would educate businesses and residents in the area about cycle tracks and assist in gathering feedback and evaluation.   

E. DeMaio stated that in addition to updating the master plan and implementing a trial cycle track we are missing the concept plan.   The idea of a cycle track needs to be explained in the context of the Committee’s long term goal.  Discussion ensued.

F. Taormina stated that Mass-in-Motion has the resources and funds to assist in this effort.  The education and outreach of the trial cycle track could include the concept plan that E. DeMaio feels is missing.

D. Shuman stated that the Committee used a large map of Salem when they were creating the master plan, perhaps the Committee could use that method again to create the concept plan.  

B. Mabbott asked if F. Taormina could bring a large map of the city at the next meeting so that the Committee could mark it up to show the concept plan. F. Taormina confirmed that he would.

E. DeMaio clarified that the concept plan should be a simple hollow base map with roads and a few landmarks identified, like the map the Committee used for the Salem Bike Route Map.  Then the Committee could imbed photos or rendering of what a cycle track could look like in the various corridors the Committee would like to install cycle tracks on.  E. DeMaio asked if the City GIS Department could assist in this effort.

F. Taormina stated that they could, but he would discuss further with Mass-in-Motion as they already committed to assisting the City in the outreach and evaluation portion of the trail project.  He noted that Mass-in-Motion has a GIS Grad Intern from SSU that is working with them and could easily create the map we are looking for.  He will discuss further with John Pelletier to see if he is available to attend the next meeting so that he understands what it is the Committee is looking for.  

B. Mabbott stated that there is a cool concept called sneckdown where it shows traffic patterns and pedestrian paths after it snows.  It shows how much wasted space there is in roadways which could be converted into more space for pedestrians or bicycle accommodations.

F. Taormina asked stated that there is a website called street mix which use can create a cross section of a street. He will forward to link to the Committee Members via email so that they can play around with it and perhaps use it to help convey the Committee’s vision.

E. DeMaio asked if the Planning Director could also attend the next meeting so that she can better understand the Committee’s conceptual plan.  F. Taormina stated that he will ask her but cannot guarantee with her busy schedule that she will be able to attend.  At a minimum he will keep her updated on the matter.

F. Taormina will report back to the Committee at the next meeting with respect to allocating funds to realize the design, engineering, and construction of the trail cycle track project and bring a large map of the City of Salem so that the Committee can concurrently work on the concept plan.  

Old/New Business
Complete Streets Opportunity
Acting Chair Peck opened the item and turned the floor over to F. Taormina.
F. Taormina informed the Committee that Mass-in-Motion (MIM) is working with the regional planning agency, Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) on drafting a proposed Complete Streets Ordinance, which would require pedestrian and bicycling accommodations on every city street.  Discussion ensued.

F. Taormina also noted that MIM and MAPC will be creating a working group and want to have a representative from the Bike Path Committee serve on the group.  F. Taormina asked if anyone was interested in serving.  He noted that the working group meeting will likely be during the day when City Hall is open, but he will advocate for the meeting day/time to be held on Thursdays when City Hall is open late.

B. Mabbott stated that provided the meeting day/time works for him he would like to volunteer to serve on the working group. The Committee agreed that Bruce would be a good representative and thanked him for volunteering.

F. Taormina stated that he will confirm the day/time of the working group meetings with B. Mabbott once MIM and MAPC have confirmed with him.  He also stated that once the working group meetings are underway he and Bruce will update the Committee on the progress.

Acting Chair Peck asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight, there being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  D. Shuman makes that motion, seconded by D. Bowie and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their March 12, 2014 Meeting